DIY Stone Resin Pendant

Stone Resin Pendant

Using resin makes all your projects look polished and professional. I have been amazed at how easy it is to make a project with resin. The materials are inexpensive and last through many projects. The stone pendants I will show you how to make were a quick project and a way for our family to remember our fun experience. 

My family enjoys going out doing all sorts of things. We found a mining sluice set up at the Crayola Experience one day (also seen at Silver Dollar City and the Fort Worth Zoo). You buy a bag of dirt that has a variety of stones in it. The kids can pour the bag into a sifter and pull out the stones. There were some bigger stones but a lot of pretty little ones. I wanted to make something with the little ones. It did not take me long to think of using resin! It is just too much fun. 

My son helped me pick the stones, arrange the stones, and select the pendants

What is Resin? 

Resin looks like glass when it is dry. It can act like a glue to stick things to a pendent, paper, table, and probably just about anything. You can make basically any pendant you see online once you have figured it out, which should be pretty fast. 

There are a few things to be careful about with resin

It has to be done correctly or it will not dry. 

Follow the directions! There is a proper order to mix the solution and an exact time to stir once mixed. There is nothing worse than making beautiful things that cannot be used. 

Materials Needed

  • Resin
  • Small measuring cup
  • Gloves
  • Stir stick
  • Pendants
  • Stones
  • Optional materials paper, glitter


Step 1 

Select your pendant

Step 2

Arrange your stones

(If you are wanting to have scrapbook paper under your stones place that first)

Step 3

Mix the resin

Follow the directions that come with your resin. This is the most important step. If you do not mix the resin correctly it will not harden and will be sticky. I like to use a medicine measuring lid. I mix mine with a toothpick. 

Step 4

Pour small amounts of the resin over the stones into the pendant. 

It is okay if it spills over just make sure to pick up your pendant and move it out of the puddle. 

Step 5

Wait 24 hours. this is probably the most difficult step. You do not want a fingerprint on your new beautiful pendant. 

Random tip

When I do anything with resin I set up a bunch of little things to do with it other than just my main project. The small amount of resin I mix up goes a long way. I do not want to waste any of it. 

A few neat extra things you can do with it

  • Pour it on a piece of scrapbook paper to make bookmarks (add sparkles of course)
  • Pour the rest into a bead mold. This can be especially nice if the beads will match the pendant you made. 
  • Mix in pigments or sparkles just to see what happens!