DIY Jewelry Holders

I have been making Jewelry for probably 20 years now. My necklaces are memories and little buddies. I want to see them. Babies make it hard to wear necklaces so I need another way to see them. I had my husband make me a super simple necklace holder that you can make for your home. 

I wanted to make a necklace holder that held a lot of necklaces. I actually removed about half of the necklaces so the picture did not look too crowded. The length of the necklace holder can be modified for any space. You just want a nice piece of wood or paint it a beautiful color. You might also want to pick out some more attractive screws. 

All you have to do is cut the wood to your desired length add the little hooks and screw it into the wall. It cannot get much simpler!

Materials Needed

Two pieces of wood about an inch wide and length to fit your space. 

Two screws per piece of wood

 As many little screw hooks as you want! I put 8 per piece. 

Step 1

Cut wood to the desired length

Step 2

Add little hook screws. 

It is a good plan to measure your wood and measure out even spaces for the hooks. I did not so do not look too closely! 

Step 3

Screw into the wall. 

Use a level. There is an app for that! 

Step 4

Put your necklaces on!