DIY Spiderman Piñata

Spiderman piñata

Piñatas are fun to smash and fun to make! I made my first piñata when Theo turned 3 and I have made a piñata for basically every party since. This Spiderman piñata was made for his 5th birthday. I’ve done Paw Patrol, taco, pokeball, and a creeper. They were all easy and cost around $1 to make. I hope you enjoy your DIY Spiderman Piñata.

The first step is to cut cardboard in the shape of his head. It is sort of like an oval but the bottom is narrower. You will need to pieces the same size. Next, You will cut rectangles out of the cardboard to go all the way around the outside of the face shape. You want to use tape that is strong enough to hold it together when hanging from a string. If your party is for younger children you will not want as much tape because they do not hit as hard. With older children you may want to make it more of a challenge.

It is okay if there are gaps because your rectangles because you are going to cover it with construction paper or tissue paper.

When you have all the rectangular pieces surrounding the face you can put on the other face piece and tape it together. Leave one piece on top so you can put the candy in.

After the basic shape is made with the cardboard you will need tissue paper. I buy the multi-colored packs of tissue paper from Dollar Tree for this.

My picture does not show this really well, but I put red construction paper around the center pieces of cardboard. I just taped them in place.

Perhaps the most time consuming part of the project is cutting the tissue paper. I fold mine accordion style and make all the cuts at once. Then I cute them into separate rectangular pieces.

This is what it looks like after you make the small cuts. You can cut them into rectangles along the folds.

This part is easy and your child can help you with this part. You just start at the bottom with a glue stick and move up the face of the piñata.

Clean up your edges with scissors or an exacto knife.

Last thing you need are his spidey eyes. I used white and black construction paper. The white part needs to be smaller than the black part.

Somewhere near the top you need to place holes for the strings. If you do four holes the piñata will probably be more secure. With my fist piñata it was too secure and wouldn’t break. The pokeball piñata was so heavy it fell on the first whack so my suggestion is consider the weight of your piñata and how strong you want the connection to be. The farther down the side the stronger it will be. four holes will be strong than two holes.

I enjoyed making it and the kiddos enjoyed whacking it. Share your pictures of your DIY Spiderman piñata.