China Cabinet Redo

I have had this china cabinet for about 10 years. Before that it was in my mother’s house. She displayed her Old Curiosity Shop dishes in it, which I intend to do also when I get them. I was not loving the cabinet anymore and I was going to get rid of it. I decided if I was going to get rid of it anyway what was the harm in trying to redo it. I love the results.

Apparently, I did not take a before picture of the whole cabinet. The cabinet is not a high quality piece of furniture. It has a laminate later on the outside. I scratched it up with the sander to make sure the paint would stick.

I really love stained wood so I decided to keep the inside of the cabinet the stained color as well as the doors, drawer, and top trim.

I used a creamy off white color that I bought in the paint reject section of Home Depot.

I had to paint four coats of the white paint to cover up the stain color. I used a foam brush because it does not show brush strokes.

The shelves had water damage and I thought it might be fun to paint them a different color. I had a can of pistachio colored spray paint that I used on the shelves. Spray paint is so much faster!

After I finished the cabinet, I wrapped it in a blanket and saran wrapped it for the move. I did not take off the paint tape just in case the cabinet was damaged and needed to be repainted. I did not see the cabinet finished until we got it set up in the new house.

I love it. Someday, when my boys are grown and can stay out of cabinets I will remove the ribbon. The handles are all capable of hanging down just in case you think I screwed the right handles upside down.